Sunday, November 15, 2020

SSH/SCP/SFTP/RSYNC with/without Jump servers

Direct SSH over the terminal : This is to connect remote server terminal directly.

ssh -l <username> <destination_ip>

Ex: ssh -l johnremote

It will ask for the password

Secure File transfer directly with SCP

scp <your-file> destination-server-user>@<destination-server-ip>

Ex : scp test.txt johnremote@

It will ask for the password

Secure File transfer directly with SFTP

in progress....

Secure File transfer directly with RSYNC

in progress....

SSH via Jump Server over the terminal : This is to connect remote server terminal directly.

ssh  -J  <jump-server-username>@<jump-server-ip>  -i  <ssh-key-file>  <destination-server-user>@<destination-server-ip>

Ex: ssh  -J  johnjump@  -i  john-private-key  johnremote@

SSH-Key-File generation

Your administrator will be requested you to share your SSH public key file. So you have to generate public and private key pairs using bellow command.

Note : Encryption algorithm and key file size will be informed by administrator and remember the password given during key files generation

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Secure File transfer with jump server using SCP

scp -o 'ProxyJump <jump-server-username>@<jump-server-ip>' <file-to-be-trasfer> <destination-server-user>@<destination-server-ip>:<destination-server-path>

Ex: scp -o 'ProxyJump john@' test.txt johnremote@

Secure File transfer with jump server using SFTP

in progress....

Secure File transfer with jump server using RSYNC

in progress....