In this post, it will explain how to run simple rest service with Docker environment. Deploying a single entity in Docker environment is not the purpose of using docker. Docker is a container orchestration platform that can address auto-scalable, fault-tolerant features that cannot be addressed in monolithic models. But bellow commands will be important when you do your local developments.
1. Install docker
Remove previous docker versions : - sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
Update your Linux :- sudo apt-get update
Install docker :- sudo apt install
Start docker service :- sudo systemctl start docker
Enable docker at startup :- sudo systemctl enable docker
Check docker version :- sudo docker version
Add user group permission :- sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Reboot your Linux :- sudo reboot
2. Create jar file that will expose REST API ( ex: testing.jar )
Create your own java application that will expose simple rest servcei
2. Create a file name called Dockerfile where the jar file is located
3. Add bellow content to Docker file
FROM openjdk:10
ADD testing.jar ./testing.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","-Duser.timezone=GMT+0530","testing.jar"]
4. Command to build and run the jar file
- sudo docker build --tag=testimage .
- sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 testimage &
- open browser and access your rest service http://localhost:port/yourservice
5. List Docker images
sudo docker image ls
6. List Docker containers ( Container is an instance of image can be run isolated )
sudo docker container ls
7. Go to Docker container console ( has small linux console )
sudo docker exec -it container_id /bin/sh
8. Stop Docker container ( Then your rest service will be stopped )
sudo docker stop container_id
9. Remove Docker container
sudo docker rm
10. Remove Docker image
sudo docker image rm -f image_id